*~*About Me*~*

My photo
Colorado, United States
I'm 16 and I love to draw, write poems, look at the stars, and to hang with friends and family... also I love music and I can never get enough of it! And if anyone likes the same things keep following my blog! =]]


Sunday, October 17, 2010

In Search of the Wonderball Candy

So randomly today I started craving the candy Wonderball. I know they don't sell them in stores anymore, so I'm seaching on the internet for one. I did't know they could be so hard to find!  As it turns out they were temporarily banned from selling them, because the stuff inside was small enough to be a choking hazard for little kids. Someone said they have them at Walgreens. Also I've heard they sell Sponge Bob Squarepants ones at Dollar General around Easter time. Some say that they sell them no where and that you could possibly special order them. A person said they used to sell them at the site of candy4u.com, I checked there but they don't have them... but they do have a ton of amazing other candy! Also someone said they sell them at http://www.nationwidecandy.com/, I've checked out the site and they have Sponge Bob Squarepants ones and its in stock and it costs $10.20 per case. So the search is now over, and if anyone wants to get the Wonderball candy get it at that site or suffer from extremely craving them!!! =]

Monday, October 4, 2010

Class Rings!!!

Today at school we got packets to get a class ring! I'm not just getting one because I like it, it's also because of my parents, they say it's a once in a life time thing. I've got it all picked out it's silver, has my gemstone of Alexandrite, my name, and has a star and crescent on one side and the arts on the other. Also it's the antique traditional style with the smooth band and my full name engraved inside it. I can't wait to get it. Some of my friends think it's stupid, but I don't! =]

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things I've Drawn

A Poem of the Past

It doesn't matter what they did wrong, it matters if they still care.

Poem I Made for my Story

What you love most, is what you fear.

My story is about angels, and this girl wants to become one, but its not her time to become one so the angel saves her life and gives her wings for one night. and that's all I have so far, I might decide to change it up later, but that's how it is now.
